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The important things for successful and profitable flake ice selling business

If you want to invest for flake ice business, please take the following advices and you will be very successful with the ice business.

1. Do the market research and design the ice plant based on that.

How many tons of ice flakes you should produce everyday in average?


What is the ice storage capacity of the ice room?


In some areas, the customers come to buy ice everyday, and ice flakes are sold out everyday.
In that case, no need to invest for big ice room.
Just make sure the ice room is big enough to collect all the ice flakes made in night time.
The ice room’s ice storage capacity is 1/2 of the machine’s actual ice productive capacity.ice machine with ice room


In some areas, customers do not come everyday, they may come to buy ice once a week.
You keep making ice for one week, and then sell out all the ice flakes within one day.
In that case, you should prepare a very big ice room, and the ice room should be equipped with one cooling unit to remain the inside temperature for minus 5C.
So the ice flakes can be kept inside for long time without melting.
You do not have to choose machines with big daily productive capacity, because you have one week time to fill that ice room.


2. Prepare well for power supply and water supply.
Try to get stable industrial use 3 phase power supply from local power station.
If the voltage is not stable, buy an industrial voltage stabilizer
Otherwise, you will have to use diesel generator to run the machine. Please calculate if it is worthy to use diesel generators to make ice.
Frshwater is needed for ice making. Freshwater should be very available.


3. Choose water cooling condenser + water cooling tower instead of air cooling condenser.
Water cooled systems are more efficient in tropical areas, and they are more power-saving.
Users just need to prepare chemical to clear the condensor regularly.
With a clean condensor, the systems will be more efficient.
Compared with that, the air cooled systems consume more electricity to make the same amount of ice.
And many Chinese suppliers are using cheap and low quality air condensors, which will not be efficient after 1 year.
Those lower quality air condensors’ fins will be corroded and be covered by an oxide layer and become less and less efficient.


4. Run the machine in night time.

In the night, the ambient temperature is lower, and the ice making is more efficient, and more power-saving.off-peak

In the night, some cities’ electricity prices are much lower. The authorities encourage factories to use off-peak electricities.

If possbile, increase the machine’s productive capacity, and try to fill the ice room by using off-peak electricities.
In many areas, the electricity voltages are more stable in the night.


5. Talk and only talk to the professional people.
In China, 95% ice machine salespeople are nothing but pure English speakers.
They do not know ice machines and they are not professional at all.
They are just lanugages tools hired by the rich to bring USD into their bank accounts.
Those people might offer you the wrong ice machines and ruin your ice business.
Be far away from those people.
Talk and only talk to the professional people, make them listen to your requirements, and then ask them to offer you the ice solution accordingly.
Do not talk to her only because she is a beautiful lady.
Believe in me, she will never sleep with you no matter how many ice machines you buy from her.
Business is business, so please be serious.


6.Try to find the best ice machine with the lowest price.
Tell the suppliers you are comparing among many. Let them know you are serious to buy the ice machines.
Tell them when exactly you may place the order, and force them to start a price war to know about the lowest price in this industry.
Then use that lowest price to talk with the most professinal supplier.
Be nice to this supplier, because you will buy from it.
Tell this supplier, the machine is just a trial order for a big project. Or use other better stories.
Try to make this supplier agree with your low offer for a good quality machine.

7.Talk with several suppliers and find the most widely used components among them.
Focus on the compressor, condenser, cooling tower, electrical parts and so on.
Neither choose the most expensive components or the cheapest components.
Just choose the most widely-used brands.
If necessary, you can ask why they are using Hanbell compressor, not Bitzer.
Why use Refcomp compressor, not Bitzer?


8. Per-chill the water down to 10C, and then use the cold 10C water for ice making.
It will increase the efficiency for ice making.
Ice daily productive capaciyt will be improved, ice flakes quality will be better.
One small chiller can enlarge your ice profit a lot.


9. Make sure your ice machines will make dry, thick, and well-frozen ice flakes.
The dry, thick, well-frozen ice flakes have better cooling performance than thin, wet, and soft ice flakes.
Ice flakes should be dry and their thickness should be more than 1.8mm.
Thicker ice flakes can last for longer time.
Most customers prefer to buy thick ice flakes for freezing their fishes/seafood.


10. Power-saving technology. The last, but the most important thing.
Power-saving technology can double or even tripple your ice business profit.
Choose the flake ice machine with power saving technologies.

This video is to prove that my flake ice machines are more power saving than other Chinese flake ice machines.
One 40HP piston compressor is more than enough for 10T/day capacity flake ice machine, and ice flakes are 2.5mm thick.
In the video, you can see the quality of the ice flakes made by the machine.
Thick ice flakes, well-frozen flake ice, with much better cooling performance than thin and wet ice flakes.





Other Chinese 10T/day flake ice machines with old and poor technology must be equipped with 1x50HP or 2x25HP compressors.
Bigger compressor means higher electricity consumption for the same ice daily productive capacity.
Bigger compressor = not power saving.


This power-saving flake ice machine consume only 75KWH of electricity for maing every 1 ton of ice flakes.
Other Chinese flake ice machine consume at least 105KWH of electricity for making every 1 ton of ice flakes.
The electricity consumption differece for making every 1 ton of ice is 30KWH of electricity.
With a 10 ton capacity machine, the daily electricity consumption difference is 300KWH of electricity.
In 20 years, the difference is 2,190,000 KWH of electricity.
2,190,000 KWH of electricity is about US$ 300,000.
If you choose my 10T/day flake ice machine, you can profit US$ 300,000 more.
My machines are for profitable ice vending business.


Choose my flake ice machine, and your ice machine will pay for itself for 10 times within 20 years.
Take flake ice machines with power-saving technology.
Choose the right flake ice machine to increase the profit of your ice business.
Be away from flake ice machines with poor and old technology.


Imagine that you are the flake ice plant owner, and you sell flake ice to fishing people.
Your customers will be very happy with the well-frozen flake ice with the best cooling performance.
You will profit US$ 300,000 more by paying for less electricity bill.
Power saving technology = successful flake ice plant.


Imagine that you make the ice flakes for your own fish processing plant.
You can make less ice flakes everyday, because your ice flakes have better cooling performance.
And your factory can save US$ 300,000 in 20 years by using less electricity.